Alfred Hitchcock

Does Alfred Hitchcock's use of cinematography to create tension make him an auteur? - Liam Fuller

Item 1 -  The Birds (1963)

I chose this film because The Birds is full of tension and suspense and shows how Hitchcock uses cinematic techniques to create suspense. It has a particular scene where he uses slow editing, for example he uses a lot of slow paced music and slow pan shots to each character, this creates an eery effect as yo don't know what to expect, he does this to create tension and make the audience scared and in suspense.

Item 2 - Psycho (1960)

I chose this film because Psycho because it shows of all of Alfred Hitchcock's cinematic techniques on how he creates suspense and tension in his films. It also shows his style of films and genres that he prefers.This film is famous for the famous shower scene. the film makes full use of un-diegetic music to create tension.

Item 3 - Vertigo (1958)

I chose this film because it has scenes in it that use louder and faster music with changing colours to create tension within the audience and keep them in suspense. This film focuses a lot on camera and what angles it is filmed and uses a lot of close up shots to show emotion on the characters faces creating tension for the audience.

Item 4 - Interview -

I chose to use this video because it shows Alfred Hitchcock's personal idea of how to create tension and how he prefers to get the audience involved so that they know more than what the characters in the movie know. In the video it shows Hitchcock saying he uses tension and suspense to turn a boring scene into an exciting tense scene that makes the audience scared to see what happens next, he does this by instead of giving the audience 10 seconds he prefers to give them minutes of tension.

Item 5 - Website

I used this site because it refers to what cinematic techniques Alfred Hitchcock uses to create tension within his films. For example it tells you about how he uses montages and comedy to create tension and that comedy tension was one of Hitchcock's specific methods. It also tells you about how Hitchcock would use camera angles in different ways all throughout his films to create tension by ways of power or by POV shots.

Item 6 - Book - 'Hitchcock Suspense, humour and tone' - Susan Smith

I chose to use this book because it explains Hitchcock's use of tension and humour and how he uses Humour to create Tension. It also explains the cinematic techniques used in films like 'shadow of doubt'. It also talks about how Hitchcock's films like 'Psycho' have no humour and he uses different techniques to create his sense of tension. Its useful as it explains Vertigo focuses more on camera angles and camera shots rather than using dry humour and sudden scares.

Item 7 - Biography

I used this website because it talks about how Hitchcock came into becoming a director and how he used thrillers to get there. It discusses about how he would use psychological methods of creating suspense within the audience and how he relates to real life problems to relate to the audience more.

Item 8 - website

I used this website because it explains about how Hitchcock used the cinematic technique of humour to create tension and dramatic irony to create suspense in his movies. This tells me that Humour was a common cinematic technique used by Alfred Hitchcock  in his moves to create tension. Hitchcock loved to use dry humour in his movies.

Item 9 - Book - 'Hitchcock Suspense, humour and tone' - Susan Smith

I'm going to use this book because it explains how Hitchcock will set the scene in order to create suspense and tension and how he also uses mise en scene to do this. This is good because it tells what cinematic techniques Alfred Hitchcock will use to set the scene and create suspense for the audience. It talks about how he often overlooks different opening scene methods because of his love of a point of view shot.

Item 10 - website

I used this website because it discusses and explains about another type of cinematic technique that Alfred Hitchcock uses. It says he liked to show suspense and tension through facial expressions whether by making them scary or by humorous techniques.

Item 11 - Book - 'Alfred Hitchcock' - Paul Duncan

I chose to use this book because it explains about how Alfred Hitchcock uses his own cinematography to recreate suspense and horror films from what they were before. It discusses how that Horror films were just adult versions of children fairy tale until Alfred Hitchcock created his films like 'Psycho' which recreated the view of horror films as he used new ways to create suspense and tension within his films rather than just jump scares.

Item 12 -  Interview -

I chose to use this interview because it is an interview where they discuss how Alfred Hitchcock likes to create suspense and tension. It explains that he likes to use a normal person put in unordinary places to threaten and scare the audience into thinking that this could happen to them.

Item 13 - Interview -

I chose to use this interview because it talks about one my films, Psycho, and how he uses cinematography to create a tense and suspenseful scene where the woman is stabbed in the shower. This is good as it relates to my question and tells me how he creates suspense.

Rejected Items
I rejected this item because it didn't talk about howAlfred Hitchcock uses cinematography to create tension it just talked about how he uses the camera and editing to make his films.
I rejected this item as its not a reliable source as it was written by another student and not by someone who is writing facts.
I rejected this item because its not talking about how he uses cinematography to create tension its comparing suspense and mystery which isn't what my question is based upon.

Book - Hitchcock's Motifs - Michael Walker
I rejected this book because it doesn't discuss Alfred Hitchcock's cinematography to create suspense and tension it just talks about his motifs and what scenes are common in his movies and what images he likes to use like 'cut wrists' for example.


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