Alfred Hitchcock
Does Alfred Hitchcock's use of cinematography to create tension make him an auteur? - Liam Fuller Item 1 - The Birds (1963) I chose this film because The Birds is full of tension and suspense and shows how Hitchcock uses cinematic techniques to create suspense. It has a particular scene where he uses slow editing, for example he uses a lot of slow paced music and slow pan shots to each character, this creates an eery effect as yo don't know what to expect, he does this to create tension and make the audience scared and in suspense. Item 2 - Psycho (1960) I chose this film because Psycho because it shows of all of Alfred Hitchcock's cinematic techniques on how he creates suspense and tension in his films. It also shows his style of films and genres that he prefers.This film is famous for the famous shower scene. the film makes full use of un-diegetic music to create tension. Item 3 - Vertigo (1958) I chose this film because it has scenes in it that use louder an...